Saturday, January 27, 2007

It's My First Blog, So Cut Me Some Slack

I've never done a blog before, so I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be writing about. I guess I'll start by talking about the first couple of classes. I'm not quite sure what to think of my work so far. I get the feeling that everyone else is doing something really innovative and creative and I'm just coloring on some film. This is my first expierience with "experimental film". I've seen other people's work, but to actually sit down and try to create my own is a little frustrating. I guess in this particular type of filmmaking there really isn't a right or wrong way of doing something, but it sure feels to me like I'm doing something wrong. I think it's really amazing what you can do with some film and no camera. When we were scratching and coloring the film that had already been shot on, it was a little difficult because I had no idea what it would look like going through a projector. All you could see was the frame by frame results and those looked ok to me, but what the hell do I know? I thought what we were doing with the magazine, newspapers, and tape was cool, but i need a lot more practice on it. I'd like to use a little of it in the Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water project but I'm not sure I'm confident enough in doing it yet to put it on a project. I'll come back tommorrow to give an update on the project.